Our Popularity

Readers , I am sure , would be wondering why the Global Paravar had not kept up its pace as its wont. In fact a few have anxiously queried us over phone and over mail , the reasons for the tardiness in the out put.<!–more–>

We are over whelmed by these queries. For what gives more happiness to the writers than the demand of the readers for their writings?

We have explained to them personally the reasons . But we owe a duty to our readers == regular and occasional , local and living across the oceans. We need to explain to them.

And here it is.

Having come to know the wide readership that our website commands, some —we have identified  who they are—have tried to use our website  to their advantage to advertise certain goods  and have interpolated their advertisements in our website.

And many of our readers rang me up personally and informed about it. I myself saw them. They were advertisements of innocuous goods. But a few others informed me that they saw malicious ones too.

Our Technical editor was asked to look into this malady and strengthen the protective walls of our website and ensure against any such intrusion. He demolished the site completely and re-built it. While doing so he reported to me that we might have to give up the comments we had received from our readers  so far.

I felt the comments are the very breath of our readers and they should be re-fixed n the articles as they were in the pre – intruded days. He had taken time for it and he is building the site again with more strong walls.

Therefore we were not able to keep the pace that we set for ourselves.

We reproach the intrusion and   regret  the consequent delay in the appearance of articles; but the anxious queries of our readers on what happened to our site give us immense happiness.

We feel that our website is wanted and popular.

Hoping to keep in touch with you without any trammel.

By A. x. Alexander

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